Exhibition LAP Adopted!

We are excited to share the good news that City Council officially adopted the Exhibition Local Area Plan at yesterday’s meeting!

The report has been posted at saskatoon.ca/LAP, which is also where implementation updates on the 36 recommendations of the Exhibition LAP will be posted periodically in the future.

Thank you to the more than 190 Exhibition and Queen Elizabeth community members for your contributions in creating the plan! We hope everyone feels a sense of pride in helping your community. LAPs are not possible without the involvement and commitment of local stakeholders. We can’t do it without you!

What is a Local Area Plan

Local Area Planning is a community-based approach to developing comprehensive neighbourhood plans that enable residents, business owners, property owners, community groups, and other stakeholders to have direct input into the future of their neighbourhood.

Once completed, a LAP establishes the vision and goals to guide the growth and development of a neighbourhood.  It also identifies specific recommendations for improvements within a neighbourhood.

The study area boundary for the Exhibition LAP is Taylor Street to the North, Broadway Avenue to the East, Ruth Street (East of Lorne Avenue) and Circle Drive (West of Lorne Avenue) to the South, and the riverbank to the West (see attached study area map).

A picture is worth a thousand words! The City is asking residents to show what you love about living in the area.
See some of the photos that have been shared.
Submit photos of the sights and activities you enjoy.

If you have any questions about the LAP, the LAP Process, or the meetings, please contact:
Keith Folkersen, Senior Planner
Neighbourhood Planning Section
City of Saskatoon
Phone: 306 986-1690
E-mail: keith.folkersen@saskatoon.ca