The Queen Elizabeth/Haultain Community Association and the Exhibition Community Association amalgamated, in 2012, and formed a new association, uniting the three neighbourhoods, known as the Queen Elizabeth Exhibition Haultain Community Association or, as we like to call it, the QEXCA.
The QEXCA Community is bounded by Taylor Street, to the north, and Ruth Street, to the south, and extends from Clarence Avenue all the way to St. Henry Avenue overlooking the riverbank and includes Prairieland Park, Diefenbaker Park and the Western Development Museum. The Association’s boundaries also comprise the west half of the Haultain neighbourhood between 8th Street to the north and Taylor Street to the south and from Clarence Avenue to Broadway Ave.
Programming for the QEXCA is offered at both St. Frances and Queen Elizabeth Schools and will serve residents by offering recreational, social and educational programs for adults, children/youth and preschoolers. The QEXCA also operates both the Achs Park and the Queen Elizabeth School outdoor skating rinks.
The QEXCA is dedicated to enhancing quality of life and promoting a strong sense of community among those living and working in the area. As a non-profit organization, the Association relies on volunteers to donate their time and energy to organizing various events and programs.
Your Community Association is a Saskatchewan Charitable Corporation under the Non-profit Corporations Act, 1995 and, as such, is bound by our Governance Documents.
Your Community Association meets quarterly, at 7:00 p.m., usually on the first Tuesday of September, December, March and June.
Unless otherwise indicated, the meetings will be open to all residents of Your Community.
The next Community Meeting is scheduled for Tue. September 3, 2024.
The Annual General Meeting is held on the first Tuesday of October. All residents of Your Community encouraged to attend.
Leadership 2023 – 24
President Lauren Wakelam
Vice President Your Name Here?
Past President Bob McNaughton (Communication, Community Relations)
Secretary Janet Pearce
Treasurer Dwight Doering
Dustin Harrison Director-at-Large
Monique Lischka Theatre in the Park
Josh Remai Rink Operations
Wesley Wizniuk Indoor Programs
Coordinators and Liaisons:
Daniel Ash Mailing List Coordinator, Program Scheduling Coordinator
Tanbir Chahal Social Media Coordinator
Yiming Chen Community Gardens Coordinator
Karla Combres School Liaison (Monique Rousseau)
Sherry Gore Church Liaison
Whitney Greaves Community Clean-up Coordinator
Lisa Kozmyk School Liaison (Queen Elizabeth)
Crystal Montoya City Hall Liaison
Mike Pearce School Liaison (St. Frances)
Rebecca Ridsdale Ski Trail Coordinator
Justin Smart Sign Coordinator
Crystal Touet Indoor Programs Coordinator
Jorden Whitenect Website Coordinator
Caitlin Woloschuk Newsletter Coordinator, Community Yard Sale Coordinator
Leon Xia Community Clean-up Coordinator
School Liaison (Aden Bowman) Your Name Here?
School Liaison (Riverside) Your Name Here?
Community Consultant
Jan Cunningham City of Saskatoon
If you, or someone you know, is willing and able to help Your Community, please, contact us at