Saskatoon’s water supply is one of the safest in the world. Test results are reported to the Saskatchewan Water Security Agency as part of the City’s Permit to Operate.
Saskatoon’s water supply is virtually lead-free. The lead level content in the City’s drinking water when it enters the water distribution system is 100 times lower than the Health Canada limit. Health Canada recently updated its directive for exposure to lead and advises that people should not be exposed to lead, as it can cause adverse health effects even at very low levels and recommends reducing lead exposure as much as possible.
Treated City water flows from the Water Treatment Plant to water mains (or pipes) located underground throughout the City. Water enters individual properties through a water service connection. If your home was built before 1950 there could be lead within its plumbing system. As a precaution, homeowners and occupants should be aware of how to reduce the risk of lead exposure from drinking water.